“Good must triumph over evil and villainy. That is the will of the multiverse.” Benhorven, ursinal sage Second Void Day of Savorus, 126 HR A few hours later, they had all gathered again in the Great Gymnasium. Lereia, Naghûl and Kiyoshi had informed their factols about what had happened in Ferrug and had obtained permission to take the deva Ybdiel to Elysium, to the realm of his goddess Mishakal. Sarin as well as Ambar and Erin had agreed to this, on the one hand, because none of the three would have refused to help an angel, and on the other, because the whole thing seemed to be quite a coincidence and this mission might well intersect with the search for the Keeper and the Proclaimer. Meanwhile, Rhys had sent a messenger to Jana's house to inform the sorceress that, contrary to the agreement, the other Chosen would not be picking her up at home. Instead, she was to come to the Great Gymnasium as quickly as possible. Jana complied with this re...