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  "Everything is falling apart. We are only here to help along." Factol Pentar     First Guild Day of Retributus, 126 HR Sgillin, Lereia and Naghûl met Jana and Kiyoshi at the Athar's house as agreed and reported on their conversation with Ambar the night before and with Derioch and Blackhoof shortly before. Jana, in turn, had followed Eliath when he had left the Black Sails late at night. She had managed to track him to his lodgings, a small apartment in a house near the Armory. The group quickly agreed to seek Eliath out there and once again made their way from the Madhouse District in the Hive to Swordhold in the Lower Ward. Jana led them to the house where she had seen Eliath disappear the night before. It was a three-story stone building, not in the best condition, but quite acceptable by the standards of the Lower Ward. The floor space was not very large, so Eliath could only have a small apartment, even if he lived on one floor alone. They knocked,

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