“I ask you to be fearless. Dare to take brave steps, even if they are only small.
I n any direction you want to go."
Abbot Elevius, Lereia's foster father from the Eldath monastery
Second Void Day of Savorus, 126 HR
After a conversation with factol Ambar, Lereia left the Great Foundry to meet with Morânia near the Great Bazaar. Together they wanted to make a list of errands for the mission in the Elysium. On the way to the rickshaw that Lereia wanted to take to the Market Ward, she briefly indulged in her thoughts. She always enjoyed talking to her factol very much. Apart from the fact that she always felt particularly comfortable in his presence, she was also very interested in the things he explained to her about Sigil or the Believers of the Source. That day, they had talked about a wide range of topics, including the Great Upheaval and the formation of her faction. About how Sigil had been reorganized around six hundred years ago by the Lady's command, and that many had died in the process. But in the end, fifteen factions had remained, which from then on ruled the city and brought along a calmer era. When Lereia arrived at the Market Ward, she went to a small café where she wanted to meet with the bal'aasi. She was a few minutes late and hurried, as she deeply disliked being tardy, especially when it was she herself who was late. Lereia entered the café shortly after and looked around. The furnishings were simpler than in a restaurant in the Clerks Ward, but the square wooden tables with the delicate flower vases looked very cozy. Morânia was already sitting at one of the tables.
Lereia walked over to her and sat down smiling. “Lady's Grace, Morânia! Please excuse my tardiness. I was in a conversation with Factol Ambar and had probably lost track of time. And sometimes I still miscalculate how long it takes to get from one place to another here.”
“Lady's Grace,” Morânia replied kindly, then waved away Lereia's apology for being late. “Oh, it's no big deal - and quite understandable. In a city like Sigil, it's easy to misjudge the distances.”
“Indeed. I'm already happy if I don't get lost too often,” Lereia said with a slight laugh. ”Right now, it's more of a constant learning process regarding the city, the factions and other things. But it's also very exciting.”
When the half-elven waitress approached them, Lereia glanced at a sign near the entrance. “Oh, I'll have a Celestial Mocha, extra sweet, please. And a fruit tart.”
Morânia ordered an extra strong Baatorian coffee and three whipped turtle eggs with red pepper. “It's great to see you settling in more and more,” she said with a smile. ”If there's anything I can do to help or support you, please let me know.”
“That's a very kind offer and I would love to take you up on it. Maybe you can show me a few leisure activities here in Sigil, which unfortunately I haven't had much of yet. If you feel like it? I'm also learning more and more about my faction. Factol Ambar told me today that he is now my so-called tutor in the faction and he is telling me a lot about the Believers of the Source.”
“Oh, a Cipher married to a Sensate can certainly show you a lot,” Morânia replied with a laugh. ”And congratulations on your prominent tutor. Not everyone can claim that.“ She winked at Lereia jokingly.
“I'm sure of that and I'm looking forward to it,” Lereia replied happily. “Thank you. It's probably not really common for a factol to be the tutor of a new member, but I guess the Chosen sometimes enjoy a certain privilege. But actually, I'm just glad that the last events concerning my ... gift ...” She hesitated for a moment before continuing. The memory of the moment when she had hurt Ambar of all people still hit her hard. “Well, I'm glad that he didn't distance himself because of that. Because of my past, I know that this is not a matter of course, and his kindness and faith in me encourage me in many ways.” Lereia smiled at these words.
Morânia nodded sympathetically. “Yes, I can well imagine that what happened to you was a frightening experience. I didn't know Ambar before, I met him in person for the first time when we met with the factols at Berronar's. However, after everything I had heard about him and also how I experienced him, I would have been surprised if he had distanced himself from you.”
Lereia thought about what Ambar had told her earlier that day about the origin of the Believers of the Source and the first factols. She also thought about what he had already taught her about the philosophy of the faction. She had thereby also learned a little more about herself, that the hurdles and setbacks she had experienced and ultimately overcame in her life had made her grow. She had gained strength and determination not to be stopped or discouraged by obstacles. And somehow she always felt better after such a trial of life. She was also deeply moved by Ambar's personal background, by the terrible experience of losing his mother, his wife and their unborn child at the same time. And it had become clear to her once more why he was factol of the Godsmen. He was, of course, an exceptionally attractive man at first glance, friendly, charming, articulate and a very pleasant conversationalist. But the more time she spent with him and the better she got to know him, Lereia realized that there was more to it than that. That he had a special strength, power and determination. And this impressed her, she couldn't deny that. She rarely showed this side of herself either, but somehow she had the feeling that this was something that connected her and the factol in a special way.
She nodded at Morânia's words. “I wouldn't have held it against him, but you're right, it wouldn't suit him. And it wouldn't suit the philosophy of our faction either. I have to say that joining the Believers of the Source feels really right to me. I feel somehow ... I don't know... at home, I'd say. I also don't think that life here in Sigil and especially in the faction will end for me once the matter of the prophecy is over.”
“I'm glad to hear that you are considering Sigil your home even after all of this,” Morânia replied. ”It can be a difficult place, but it's also an incredibly fascinating city. Personally, I could never completely or permanently leave it.”
“Yes, I think I'm starting to understand the fascination. It was quite an adjustment for me – or actually still is – and it wasn't easy to completely turn my life upside down. But so far I have no regrets. What's special about Sigil is that you're never too far away to walk through a portal and get some distance. I need to live close to nature and take regular forays into the wild, and I don't have to miss that here. Besides, there are quite a few people here who are helping me to settle in, both in the faction and outside of it. I'm also very happy that we find the time to talk a little more and don't leave that to our companions,” Lereia said with a smile. “Are you looking forward to Elysium? It's your home, isn't it?”
“My other home, yes.” Morânia nodded. ”I grew up in Sigil and in Elysium in roughly equal parts. But currently I spend more time in the Cage than in paradise, so I'm always happy when I can visit the Elysium.”
“That certainly sounds like some variety. I'm really looking forward to the plane.” Lereia smiled. ”You probably need that contrast to the Cage sometimes. Ambar also told me about the Godsmen's faction headquarters outside Sigil. He wants to show me the Palace soon, which somehow sounds unreal to me.”
She had to laugh a little. Ambar had told her that some in Sigil considered him decadent, but she thought it was very generous and thoughtful of him to create a beautiful place for the faction members, a change from the hard and busy everyday life in the Lower Ward and the Great Foundry.
“Oh, your planar faction headquarters is beautiful.” Morânia nodded. ”We visited it once - not entirely voluntarily though, as we were stranded on the Ethereal Plane, my old group and I. It wasn't quite finished yet, but even then it was an impressive sight.”
“Yes, I've heard that many times. I'm really looking forward to it and hope I'll have the opportunity to spend some time there,” Lereia replied before taking the last sip of the sweet yet strong mocha. “Oh, did you know that Ambar's predecessor ascended?” She now seemed very excited, almost enthusiastic.
“I heard about it,” Morânia confirmed. ”But I was never sure if it was just a rumor or actually true.”
“Of course, many outside the faction doubt it, but apparently there are some indications that confirm it,” Lereia replied with a smile. She had no doubt about Ambar's stories about Curran. That some Godsmen prayed to her and that she granted spells to some of the faction's clerics. Lereia decided to ask Ambar about this exciting matter again when she got the chance. She had only just realized that she hadn't asked him where the ascension had happened. As far as she had understood it, this would actually not be possible in Sigil. She pushed her empty plate aside and put a few coins on the table. “Shall we go to the Great Bazaar and see what we could buy for ourselves and the others for the journey?”
Morânia nodded. “I'd love to.”
So the two women left the café, strolled around the Bazaar for a while, and bought some useful things and provisions for the journey ahead. Lereia found that she enjoyed Morânia's company very much and looked forward to doing something with her more often in the future. Maybe even outside of the prophecy and the upcoming missions and tasks.
written by Lereia's player, based on the forum roleplay by the two of us
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